K for Knowledge Base in A to Z of Email Marketing

Knowledge Base-01
Email Marketing is extremely advanced and vast subject. It’s interested that its now one of the oldest forms of marketing communication, however so much less in known about email marketing.

Today we will talk about excellent sources of knowledge to equip you to become an ace email marketer.

1. Learn from the best

Learn from the best

Reallygoodemails.com is an excellent source to learn about new email designs, explore what other brands are doing and some award winning email campaigns.

It’s an excellent source to learn and give you lots of ideas for your next campaign.

2. Mailchimp Knowledge Base

Mailchimp has some of the best knowledge base if you want to learn more about Mailchimp. Click here to explore Mailchimp knowledge base.

3. Learn from other experts.

Here is an expert worth looking at. Gary Eckstein has done an excellent job in the Email Marketing space. He is fellow Partner of Mailchimp & Co and a good friend. Always ready to help. His company website has excellent articles and helpful tips, https://organicweb.com.au. Apart from his website he is regular on Youtube channel as well.

4. Other Resources

If you have any questions or need any help in your Email Marketing you can contact us here.