
Answer these three questions always:

A. Does it add value to your customer’s life?
  • Latest trends, happenings and news that impacts your customer’s decision making.
  • Whitepapers, case studies, industry reports, industry facts and figures work as great eye openers for B2B audiences.
B. Is your content unique?
  • What do they get from your content that they don’t get anywhere else?
  • Why should they follow you regularly?
C. Will it get them to engage?
  • Is it written in a way that will get a viewer to show appreciation, share an opinion in a comment or endorse what you’re saying?

What is Great Social Media Content?

Tone: Human Voice Visual Appeal: Info-Graphics, Images and Videos. Engagement: Driving Conversations. Different: Not Your Everyday Company. Using Analysis: For Content Evaluation.

What content looks like in most platforms?


How to create a Good Content?

  • Understand what topics around your business interest your audience the most.
  • Find latest trends, news, updates, industry papers and see which are relevant to be shared with your audience.
  • Or, create your own content such as posters, blogs, photo albums, articles.
  • Now, convert these content in to videos, graphics, infographics, albums or simply share in the form of links with your audience.

Follow an 80:20 Rule to Make Your Job Easier?

Your audience wants to consume new information and learn new things every day. They’re least interested in your marketing.

Share 2 Pieces of your content.


     Every 8 Pieces of curated content.

But, How do I Make Designs and Videos?


Or… Use a Free Online Tool.
