G for Gif’s in A to Z of Email Marketing

G for gifs 2.0-01

Welcome to our 7th blog from the series “A to Z of Email Marketing”. Email Marketing is kind of still stuck in the 90’s, The Emails are transferred from one provider to another in the form of pure text or HTML. Because of security reasons email clients do not allow advanced coding like Javascript and Embedding into Email Templates. Hence Email Marketers have always been always forced to invent creative ways to make their emails stand out.

#A2Z of Email Marketing: A for Audience

One technique that is always in every email marketers hat is the use of GIF. Gif are like format for Image files among others like jpg, png the GIF format file is identified by .gif format.

Welcome to our 7th blog from the series “A to Z of Email Marketing”. Email Marketing is kind of still stuck in the 90’s, The Emails are transferred from one provider to another in the form of pure text or HTML. Because of security reasons email clients do not allow advanced coding like Javascript and Embedding into Email Templates. Hence Email Marketers have always been always forced to invent creative ways to make their emails stand out. One technique that is always in every email marketers hat is the use of GIF. Gif are like format for Image files among others like jpg, png the GIF format file is identified by .gif format.

How you can use Gif’s in your Emails?

  • They can be used to animate your Logo
  • They are excellent way of showcasing multiple images. Ideal for email where space is limited.
  • They are eye catching

Be Careful when using Gifs

Gif do come with their cons as well. The filesize is usually much larger which can reduce the delivery of your emails. So be careful when making GIF they should be less than 300kb.
If you are making a GIF using tools like Photoshop a compression feature is provided which one should always use.

Giphy a Game Changer in Mailchimp

Giphy has emerged as an amazing source of getting high quality web safe Gif’s.

Mailchimp has a great integration with Giphy directly in the Template Designer.

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When you insert photos, Mailchimp allows you to directly insert Gif’s form content studio.