E for Email Templates in A to Z of Email Marketing

E for Email template

#A2Z of Email Marketing: E for Email Templates. This is probably the most interesting part of my series on Email Marketing. If Email Marketing was movie then surely “Email Templates” would be the HERO of that movie!!

There can truly never me one comprehensive article on email templates as they come in all shapes and sizes, and, have so many purpose.

Understanding of Email Templates.

Let us imagine our Email Template as a “Pattern” or at a broader level a “Shelf” where in you can store your message. For each campaign the message can differ but certain elements remain constant. To eliminate the need to remake and redesign the elements for every campaign, A Template is first designed.

Quality of a good email template.

For an email template to truly be world class template it needs to meet certain criteria.


  • Follows best practice of HTML coding as per W3C Standards
  • Compatible in all email service providers
  • Consistent look and feel in all service providers 
  • Compatible and consistent in all devices, ie. mobile, desktop, ipad, etc
  • Attractive and well designed
  • Designed in a way that they can be reused
  • Designed in a way that they are easily editable

There are so many other things to take care of when designing an Email Template. Many years back I covered some important elements of an Email Template in my Article – Elements of a good email.

If you wish to get in touch with our design team to design an Email Template for your Company, you can click here.

To see some of our work on Email Templates click here.

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